%define distname XSel
%define name xsel
%define version 1.2.0
%define release %mkrel 1
Summary: Tool to get/set X11 selection or clipboard
Summary(ja): X11の選択もしくはクリップボードの内容を取得/設定するツール
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
Source: http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/software/xsel/download/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
# Size : 169,155
# MD5 : 75983f143ce83dc259796c6eaf85c8f5
# SHA-1 : e48df89d7ce7e1256b0c7464393533a0c296eca1
URL: http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/software/xsel/
License: MIT-like
Group: System/X11
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
BuildRequires: libx11-devel
%{distname} is a command-line program for getting and setting the contents of the X selection. Normally this is only accessible by manually highlighting information and pasting it with the middle mouse button.
%description -l ja
%setup -q
%{__rm} %{buildroot} -fr
%{__xz} AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING
%{__rm} %{buildroot} -fr
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc AUTHORS* ChangeLog* COPYING*
* Tue Apr 27 2010 kakurasan <kakurasan AT gmail DOT com> 1.2.0-1kkr2010.0
- initial build