
%define distname ASeqView
%define name     aseqview
%define version  0.2.8
%define release  %mkrel 1

Summary:        ALSA Sequencer Event Viewer
Summary(ja):    ALSA シーケンサ イベント ビューア
Name:           %{name}
Version:        %{version}
Release:        %{release}
Source:         %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
  # Size  : 120,287
  # MD5   : 5f75e1b6fc5eab6b40ae2c7a74216a7b
  # SHA-1 : 280c906b74a3d3458b56f723ef10ce510423fca2
License:        GPLv2+
Group:          Sound
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
BuildRequires:  libalsa-devel gtk2-devel libcap-devel

%{distname} is an ALSA sequencer user-client which works as event viewer. It visualizes received events, e.g. note-on/off, controls, pitch wheels, using bar graphs, as often seen in many sequencer programs. Using this viewer, even a simple command line sequencer like pmidi or playmidi becomes a cool one with graphical interface :-)

Another feature of %{distname} is redirection of events. %{distname} can output the received events to subscription ports with some modification like channel mute or pitch change. Since this works as a real-time filter client, such modifications can be applied also in real-time without complexity.

%description -l ja
%{distname}はALSAシーケンサのユーザクライアントで、イベントビューアとして動作します。これは受け取ったイベント(例.ノートオン/オフ, コントロール, ピッチベンド)を多くのシーケンサプログラムのようにバーの形で視覚化します。このビューアを用いるとpmidiやplaymidiのようなシンプルなコマンドラインシーケンサもグラフィカルインターフェースを備えた素晴らしいものになります。 :-)


%setup -q

%configure2_5x --enable-gtk2

%{__rm} %{buildroot} -fr
%{__lzma} AUTHORS ChangeLog README

%{__rm} %{buildroot} -fr

%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc AUTHORS* ChangeLog* README*

* Wed Dec 09 2009 kakurasan <kakurasan AT gmail DOT com> 0.2.8-1kkr2010.0
- initial build